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Sicanians travel blog


In Sicily the future is eco-friendly

What measures can we take to make a trip as sustainable as possible? Whether for short weekends out of the door or during longer trips, it's easy to do so and within everyone's reach.

This does not mean squandering money or giving up comforts, just change some of our little habits and be more aware of the impact that our way of doing has on the surrounding environment. Every time we decide to leave, it would be good to remember that tourism is the fourth leading cause of pollution in Europe and, therefore, our way of travelling can make such a difference on the disfaciation so much on the preservation of those landscapes, those mountains, those seabeds that we have dreamed of seeing so much. With this new baggage of certainties it will become spontaneous to make the right choices for the good of our planet.

The first thing to take into account is the means of transport. Whenever possible, when we do not have to reach places too far away, we prefer the train rather than the plane. In Europe, transport staff is one of the biggest causes of CO2 emissions, however, by opting for the train instead of the aircraft, an average saving of 76% of greenhouse gases has been estimated. A perfect way to start your eco-friendly journey!

Accommodation is also a point to take into account. It would be preferable to avoid large hotel chains in favour of accommodation facilities that have chosen to promote more environmentally friendly solutions. There is no shortage of ecological B&Bs or farmhouses equipped with photovoltaic panels, gastronomy at km 0, flow reducers for water and that use ecological detergents for cleaning. We could consider them niche realities but that, in recent years, are spreading like wildfire with the ultimate aim of preserving the environment and guaranteeing customers a leisure experience where tradition and culture are in total harmonisation with sustainability and with an eye to supporting the local economy.

Electric cars instead of fuel cars can be a viable alternative, but have you ever thought about what it really means to drive on holiday? Go into streets never seen before and, often and willingly, turn empty in search of a parking space. The most convenient solution? The bicycle. Not only will you avoid an accumulation of stress for the above causes but you will be able to explore sites impervious to the hidden beauty that you could not have discovered in the car and, of course, nature but also fitness will benefit.

Cooking is an integral part of the culture of a territory; choosing zero km food will not only contribute to a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions but will guarantee the quality and authenticity of raw materials, as well as the certainty of enjoying completely organic food. Even on the choice of souvenirs it is always good to focus on handicrafts, perhaps made locally: it can be a concrete help in supporting the local economy.

Associating what has been written so far with other trivial, but not obvious precautions such as: do not throw waste on the beach or in the mountains; do not escape sand in quantity; do not damage the ecosystem by grubbing up flowers that will dry up before arriving home; when you are inside the natural parks never get away from the official paths and limit yourself to lighting a fire only and exclusively in the prepared points; they are small devices that - combined with a healthy civic sense - can preserve the biodiversity of a place.

Here, then, are the key points for an eco-sustainable journey: clear and simple tips to travel with a new awareness, not going to affect the naturalistic beauties that every place has to offer.

Discover our new trip... Pleasant and sustainable through Sicily


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