Today we offer you a real bombš£, both in terms of taste and calories š
but to be tried absolutely because on the palate it is soft and creamy at the right point. We can say that we have created this recipe, certainly similar to billions of others but this is our version that we liked very much, and we want to offer it to you as the cheesecake of the mountain of excellence of Cammarata and San Giovanni Gemini š
Obviously you have to aim as we did, at the freshest and quality ingredients, we used ricotta and eggs from the local farmer, this is what makes the difference.
So let's start immediately with the ingredients for a shape of about 26 cm, enough for a whole family with a lot of uncles and cousins:
Ingredients for the base:
300 grams of flour type 00
200 grams of softened butter
100 grams of sugar
1 pinch of salt
ingredients for the cream:
900 grams of fresh ricotta (preferably Cammarata and San Giovanni Geminiš
bought 1 \ 2 days before and left to dry in the fridge.
1 200ml cooking cream (preferably fresh)
250 grams of sugar
5 eggs
70 grams of flour type 00
30 grams of raisins (left half an hour in water)
2 packets of vanillin or a fresh vanilla bean
30 grams of chocolate chips
pinch of cinnamon to taste
Mix all the ingredients for the base at once using a lot of elbow grease until a ball is formed, then keep it in the fridge for half an hour resting in the film.
Then form the base in the previously buttered form.
Basically do the same with the cream. You can simply throw everything in a mixer and mix, if you want to do it with more loveš, do it by hand with an electric whisk, inserting all the ingredients little by little, the result does not change in our opinion.
Cook everything at 170 degrees for about 50 minutes, then do the toothpick test. As soon as it is ready, let it cool, better enjoy it after several hours or maybe after a night in the fridge it is really much better.